Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction:
    Balaji Travels specializes in providing Chennai-Tirupati pilgrimage and Chennai-based car rental services. Accepting these services means clients agree to adhere to our comprehensive terms and conditions, which are designed to ensure a clear understanding and smooth operation of all services provided.
  2. Service Use:
    Services offered by Balaji Travels are intended solely for personal and non-commercial use. Clients are expected to use these services within the bounds of the law, ensuring that all activities are legal and ethical. This clause underscores the importance of responsible usage of the services provided.
  3. Booking and Cancellation Policy:
    Our booking policy details the procedures for reservations, payments, cancellations, and refunds. It is crucial for clients to understand these terms as they outline financial commitments and the process for modifying or cancelling services. This policy is designed to avoid misunderstandings and ensure a fair process for both parties.
  4. Liability and Disclaimer:
    Balaji Travels limits its liability for any damages that may arise from the usage of its services. While we strive to provide accurate and reliable services, this clause clarifies that the company is not liable for service interruptions or errors, thereby setting realistic expectations.
  5. Client Responsibilities:
    Clients are responsible for providing accurate information during bookings and for adhering to local laws and cultural norms, particularly during pilgrimages. This responsibility extends to respecting religious practices at pilgrimage sites and observing road rules while using car rental services.
  6. Changes to Terms and Conditions:
    We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions as required. Such changes are aimed at staying current with legal standards and operational practices. Clients are advised that continued use of services after such changes indicates acceptance of the new terms.
  7. Privacy Policy:
    Our Privacy Policy is an essential part of these terms and conditions. It details how client information is collected, used, and protected. Understanding and agreeing to this policy is crucial for clients, as it ensures transparency in how their personal data is handled.
  8. Governing Law:
    These terms and conditions are governed by Indian laws and regulations. Any legal disputes arising from the use of our services will be resolved under the jurisdiction of the Indian legal system, ensuring a clear legal framework for resolving issues.
  9. Contact Information Clients with questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions can reach out to Balaji Travels at +91-9787747750 or +91-9787747751. We prioritize clear communication and are committed to providing assistance and clarity regarding our services
    For more queries please feel free to reach out to us.